Catalytic Cys Variable loop insertions Non - covalent Ublp binding site
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Microscale sequencing of N-linked oligosacchaides ofglycoproteins using hydrazinolysis,B io -Ge l P -4 , and sequen t i a lexoglycosidase digestion. In:Methods in Molecular Biology:Vol. 14 Glycoprotein analysis inbiomedicine (Hounsell T, ed.).Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA,1993; pp. 55-68. Example 3:BioScience Trends. Hot topics& news: China-Japan MedicalWorkshop on Drug Discoveries andTherapeutics 2007. July 1, 2007). Figure legends. Include a short titleand a short explanation. Methodsdescribed in detail in the Materialsand Methods sec t ion shou ldnot be repeated in the legend.Symbols used in the figure mustbe explained. The number of datapoints represented in a graph mustbe indicated. Tables. All tables should have aconcise title and be typed double-spaced on pages separate fromthe text. Do not use vertical rules.Tables should be numbered withRoman numerals consecutively inaccordance with their appearancein the text. 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